This week in the parish of bourses and market structure:
FEX Global Offer Puts Australia In Play,
NASDAQ Seeks A New Formula For The Cloud,
There's Talk Of Approval For An NSE IPO,
Gary Gensler’s Green Zeal Is Postponed,
LSE Investors Launch An ODD Pay Revolt,
& US T+1 Is Looming In <30 Working Days
Transcript This week in the parish of bosses and market structure, NASDAQ buys Verafin and the CFTC whitewash the Cushing crisis. My name is...
TRANSCRIPT This Week in the parish of bourses and market structure, London Stock Exchange group double down. Is ISS independent? The UK curtails MIFID...
Transcript In the business of bourses and market structure this week, ISS: the Weimer Republic moving forward at last, not moving forward. ASX spends...