This week in the parish of bourses and market structure
Adena Friedman Leads CES agenda as NASDAQ Verafin Highlights The Extent Of Financial Crime,
SEC Yet To Master 2FA,
Nikkei Invest in Wilshire Indexes - Is Mr FTSE Remaking The Band?
& FIA Worries About A 7x Margin Hike
This week in the parish of bourses and market structure: We're celebrating a decade of AFEX and some marvelous results across parish firms but...
Transcript The big parish deals are in online brokerages, following on from TD Ameri - Schwab here comes E-Morgan trade. China has a big...
Transcript This week in the parish of bosses and market structure, NASDAQ buys Verafin and the CFTC whitewash the Cushing crisis. My name is...